Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!
I am officially snowed in! I believe we received 8" but the wind was blowing so strong I have 24" snow drifts in my driveway and sidewalk area. Ah, snow! I should bottle it and ship it to my friends down south.

Tragedy struck a friend of mine this past week. Their 5 year old daughter died from a killer aggressive strain of the flu. Horrible story. Really makes you feel awful. Apparently, other children have succumbed to the flu as well but no media coverage regarding the severity of the symptoms. The family went to see the pediatrician THAT DAY and they said it was just the flu.... 10 hours later the child was dead. Such a shame!



Blogger Danielle said...

Oh my gosh, what a horrible story! There have been some kids who have died here as well, one of them even had the vaccine! Here I thought my kids were in the clear because they've been vaccinated, not the case I guess. My thoughts are with your friends.

11:54 AM  
Blogger JenyB said...

Same thing is happening here! So sad. Hugs all the way up to Indiana for you and your friend.

5:49 PM  

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